WSET® The Wine & Spirit Education Trust provides globally recognized education and qualifications in wines, spirits and sake, for professionals and enthusiasts.
NOTE "Suitable for Restaurant owner, Food and Beverage career (F&B), Bartender, Hospitality career"
Course Code | Course Length | Course Level | Course Fee | Available Languages | Participant Capacity |
L3AW04 | 40 + Exam | Advanced | 47,900 Baht | English | Minimum 12 |

WSET Level 3 Award in Wines
An advanced level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry and for wine enthusiasts.
For individuals seeking to delve deeper into the world of wines, this qualification provides a detailed understanding of grape growing and wine making. Upon completion you will be able to assess wines accurately, and use your understanding to confidently explain wine style and quality. Upon successful completion you will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin, and will be able to use the associated WSET certified logo.
- Examination: Unit 1: Closed-book, Part 1: 50 multiple-choice questions, Part 2: short written answer paper. Unit 2: is an assessed by a blind tasting of two wines within 30 minutes.
- Passing Grade: Unit 1 (Theory): 55% for both part 1 and part 2, Unit 2 (Tasting): 55%. In order to gain an overall pass a candidate must achieve a pass mark of 55 per cent in both the Unit 1 (theory) and Unit 2 (the tasting examination).
- Included: 6 Riedel tasting glasses, 2 Riedel performance glasses (Choose between Syrah or Old world Chardonnay), 1 Riedel performance decanter magnum, 1 year membership for wine tasting events. course,learning materials, examination, wines, coffee break)
- Requirements: applicant must be over 20 years old and hold the WSET Level 2 Award in Wines. This course requires a minimum 56 hours of self study time.
Course fee : 47,900 THB | Courses schedule | Book a course
Unit 1 | The Theory of Wines of the World |
1 | Identify the principal natural and human factors in the vineyard and winery that are involved in the production of still wines of the world and explain how they can influence the style, quality and price of these wines. |
2 | Identify and describe the characteristics of the still wines produced in the principal wine producing regions of the world and explain how the key natural and human factors in the vineyard, winery, law and commerce can influence the style, quality and price of these wines. |
3 | Identify and describe the characteristics of the principal sparkling wines of the world and explain how the key natural and human factors in the vineyard, winery, law and commerce can influence the style, quality and price of these wines. |
4 | Identify and describe the characteristics of the principal fortified wines of the world and explain how the key natural and human factors in the vineyard, winery and law can influence the style, quality and price of these wines. |
5 | Demonstrate the ability to provide information and advice to customers and staff about wines. |
Unit 2 | The Theory of Wines of the World |
1 | Accurately describe the key characteristics of the principal still wines of the world and use the description to make an assessment of quality and an assessment of readiness for drinking.. |